Kelly Denise Events Presents:

Are You Ready Ball!
SUNDAY,JUNE 26, 2022

Kelly Denise Events will host their first annual “Are You Ready Ball,” a cotillion for Juniors and Seniors males and females in high school.

At the “Are You Ready Ball,” the young adults will participate in lessons on character education, such as the importance of honesty and being respectful to elders and peers. Kelly Denise Events is more focused on teaching young people how to be respectful members of society. The skills learned during this time are extremely valuable as young people progress through life.

After three months of classes, our young men and women will end with a final dinner dance, where proud parents and teachers gather to watch the participants show off their table manners, conversation etiquette, and dance moves.

What is a cotillion?

The primary purpose of a cotillion is to teach respectful manners to young people to go out into society and thrive. 

COTILLION co·til·lion/kəˈtilyən/

A formal ball, especially one at which debutantes are presented.

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